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In Your Station Weekly Callout Music Research

Can’t get the quality weekly music research you want from a research company for a price you can afford?

Set up your own in-the-station weekly callout program with Steve Casey Research.

Get our research consultation and all AMT music library testing services free!

Quality. Control. It works. It is for those reasons that leading stations in New York, Los Angeles and Paris conduct their own weekly music research. And yes, they save money. Here’s how you can too.  

Quality. Control. It works. It is for those reasons that leading stations in New York, Los Angeles and Paris conduct their own weekly music research. As a nice bonus it does save money as compared to the cost of out-house research.

  • Your quality will be the best in the industry.
  • SCR's consultation and AMT music library testing are included.
  • Your research costs will be lower.

Steve Casey has established over 100 in-the-station weekly callout departments including MTV. Our goal was not to save money, but to get the highest quality research in the industry. But, we saved money too. The benefits:

  • Exactly the right screen (not the screen that makes money for the research company).
  • The most effective methodology and software.
  • Total control and confidentiality.
  • As large a sample as it takes.
  • Steve Casey, radio’s most experienced programmer/researcher, on their team.

Research company presidents don’t make phone calls. The kids they hire by the dozens do. You can hire better people, give them better training and a fun work environment. Steve Casey will work very hard to see that your callout staff is highly trained and will assist you to find a capable person to oversee the process. Your personal time involvement is minimal.

Steve Casey Research is a research consultancy – maybe the only one in radio. Our mission is to see that you have the tools that allow your research to increase ratings. In addition to quality weekly callout, you’ll receive auditorium music testing with state of the art Variety Control positioning analysis. We will use your callout database to drive the field service costs down when recruiting AMTs. SCR charges nothing for the data entry, on-screen customized reports and Variety Control. Even trips to visit your station will be without any charge other than travel expenses.

As with all our services, we will first learn from you what your resources and concerns are. We'll structure an affordable level of research done in the most cost effective way. Your biggest benefit is knowing you're research is the best in the industry, overseen by the same programmer/research who invented call-out research over 30 years ago. In addition, our experience is that our clients save 30% to 50% over the cost of simply writing a check to an outside research firm.